Alt Tags vs. Captions

Alt Tags vs. Captions

Optimizing images for accessibility and SEO has become a crucial consideration for website. Alt Tags and Captions are two elements that play a pivotal role in this process. While both serve different purpose, we will understand the differences and how they contribute search engine-friendly online experience.

Alt Tags in SEO

Alt tags, known for alternative text, are descriptive attributes assigned to images on a webpage. These are the tags serve a dual purpose: improving accessibility for users with visual impairments and providing context to search engines for better indexing. You will wonder, when a visually impaired online user encounters an image on a webpage, a screen reader will read out the alt text, which will provide a meaningful description of the image. 

Properly optimized alt tags can enhance the visibility of the content in image searches and improve the website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Captions in SEO:

Captions, on the other hand, serve a different purpose in the online world. The primary function of Captions is to provide additional context or information about an image. Captions are visible text elements typically placed below or beside an image. Additionally they give brief description, context, or even a narrative related to the visual content.

While alt tags are vital for screen readers, captions can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the context surrounding an image.

Best Practices for Alt Tags and Captions:

  1. Be Descriptive: Whether you are using alt tags or captions, you should  for clear and concise descriptions that convey the essence of the image.
  2. Be Relevant: Make sure both alt tags and captions are relevant to the surrounding content.
  3. Avoid Redundancy: If an image already has a descriptive alt tag, the caption can focus on providing additional context or information rather than duplicating the same description.
  4. User Experience: For informative visuals, you can use alt tags, while for images that contribute to storytelling, captions can be used for better experience.


You should make strategic decision based on the content and goals of a website. You can always leverage alt tags and captions for images & visuals, in order to create a more inclusive and compelling online website experience.