can you have multiple canonical tag

Can You Have Multiple Canonical Tags on a Single Page?

You must be aware that Canonical tags play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). It help individual specify the most preferred version of a webpage. However, you must have came across the question about whether it’s advisable to have multiple canonical tags on a single page. Well, in this article, we will explore the implications of having more than one canonical tag on a webpage and whether such a practice does align with SEO?

Understanding Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are HTML elements that are used inform search engines about the canonical, or preferred, version of a webpage when duplicate content issues are present. Probably, they are used to consolidate the ranking signals and avoid duplicate content penalties. The canonical tag is placed in the <head> section of a webpage and specifies the canonical URL, which should be the primary source for indexing and ranking. We have covered about Difference Between Canonical URL vs Alternate, which are attributes used to indicate information about a web page to search engines.

Multiple Canonical Tags

Sometimes, webmasters must have encounter situation where there are multiple canonical tags present on a single page. This typically occurs when various plugins, content management systems (CMS), or manual coding that generate multiple canonical tags for a page. When search engine crawlers come across such pages, confusion may arise regarding which URL to prioritize as the canonical one, which will potentially affect SEO.

Can You Have Multiple Canonical Tags?

No; you should not have multiple canonical tags on a single page. Having more than one canonical tag on a page can lead to conflict for search engines. When multiple canonical tags exist, it becomes challenging for search engines to determine the primary URL for indexing and ranking purposes. This can result in search engines disregarding the canonical tag altogether, potentially leading to issues related to duplicate content and SEO.

Understand The Implications of Multiple Canonical Tags:

Implications of Multiple Canonical Tags

  1. Ranking Dilution: Having multiple canonical tags can dilute the ranking signals, as search engines may split their evaluation across various canonical URLs. This dilution can negatively impact the page’s overall search engine rankings.
  2. Confusion for Search Engines: Search engine crawlers may struggle to interpret the page’s intended canonical URL, which can lead to improper indexing and ranking of content.
  3. Duplicate Content Issues: Multiple canonical tags can arise with duplicate content issues, as search engines may continue to index different versions of the same content, despite the canonical tags added.


In conclusion, having multiple canonical tags on a single page is not recommended. It can lead to confusion for search engines, ranking dilution, and potential duplicate content problems. To ensure proper SEO optimization and avoid such issues, it’s essential to have only one canonical tag per webpage, specifying the preferred URL for indexing and ranking purposes.