What is Google Tag Manager & How Does it Work?

What is Google Tag Manager & How Does it Work?


In the world of digital marketing, you must have heard data is king. Understanding user behavior, measuring campaign effectiveness, and optimizing your website for conversions are all crucial tactics to business success. But managing the tracking codes and scripts required for this data collection sometimes can be messy & time-consuming. In this blog we will look into Google Tag Manager & its process of working.

What Are Tags?

Tags collect data about user interactions, track conversions, and send it to various analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Google ad networks. Examples of common tags include:

Examples of common tags include

  • Google Analytics: Tracks website traffic and user behavior.
  • Facebook Pixel: Tracks conversions and retargets website visitors.
  • Hotjar Recordings: Captures user screen recordings and heatmaps.
  • Clicky: Provides real-time website traffic insights.

What Are Triggers?

Triggers tells when to collect the data. They determine when a tag should be fired, based on specific user actions or page events. Some common triggers include:

Some common google triggers

  • Page View: Fires the tag when a user visits a specific page.
  • Click Event: Fires the tag when a user clicks a button or link.
  • Form Submission: Fires the tag when a user submits a form.
  • Scroll Depth: Fires the tag when a user scrolls to a certain point on the page.

What Are Variables?

Variables store the dynamic information about the user, the page, or the event that triggered the tag. This dynamic data can be used to personalize user experiences and make your analytics more insightful. Examples of common variables include:

Examples of common variables include

  • User ID: Tracks individual user behavior across sessions.
  • Page URL: Identifies the specific page visited.
  • Form Input: Captures data entered in forms.
  • Product ID: Tracks specific product interactions.

How Does Google Tag Manager Work?

Now, let’s put these pieces together. Imagine you have a website with several tags from different platforms. Without GTM, you would need to manually insert these code snippets into your website code, a lengthy process. But with GTM, you simply add your tags to the user-friendly interface, define the triggers for each tag, and set up any desired variables. GTM then manages the deployment and firing of these tags.

Advantages of Google Tag Manager:

  • Centralized Management: Easily add, edit, and remove tags from one central location.
  • Reduced Errors: No more messing around with website code, minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Faster Updates: Deploy tag changes instantly without waiting for developer intervention.
  • Improved Flexibility: Design complex triggers and variable setups to capture specific data.
  • Simplified Collaboration: Share tag configurations with team members easily.
  • Cost-Effective: GTM is a free tool, saving you time and money compared to hiring developers.


Efficient data collection and analysis are vital for success. Google Tag Manager emerges as a powerful tool for SEO, streamlining tag management and empowering you to gain deeper insights into your website performance. GTM offers a user-friendly, cost-effective solution to take your data-driven marketing efforts to the next level.